Clean Conscious Coffee for Cheap

Clean Conscious Coffee for Cheap

Tuesday, September 27th, 2011

Fair trade coffee is coffee that is purchased at a fair market price. Sometimes poor economic conditions allow businesses to exploit poor working wages and conditions in a country where coffee is produced. For example, a business may be able to purchase coffee from a manufacturer in a 3rd world country for significantly less than they would pay for the same coffee in an economically developed nation.

When a company offers fair trade coffee, it means that they have paid a higher price for the coffee. Consequently the higher price is share by the consumer if they purchase fair trade coffee from retailer or coffee shop. So why would anyone choose to purchase fair trade coffee and knowingly pay a higher price for a cup of joe?

The answer is simple. By paying a higher price for fair trade coffee, the consumer or importer is promoting healthier working conditions in that country. They higher cost creates a greater economic incentive for coffee producers, and compensates them appropriately based on world market conditions instead of local economic factors. Fair trade guarantees a minimum price for a farmers coffee, and they even receive a premium if the conditions change and the coffee sells for more than anticipated. To sum it up: Fair trade is an ethically responsible way to purchase coffee.

coffee farm fair trade coffee coupon codes

Fair Trade Coffee Farm

Fair trade is revolutionary, because it takes the purchasing decisions out of the hands of big businesses and into the hands of the consumer. By choosing to purchase fair trade coffee you are supporting farmers in economically depressed countries around the world, and telling big business that exploitation is not acceptable.

So how can you buy fair trade coffee without breaking the bank? One good way is by taking advantage of coffee coupon codes. Rogers Gourmet Coffee and ROASTe are two distributors that offer coffee coupon codes on Fair Trade Coffee. If you want to read more about the history of coffee and it’s health benefits make sure to check out some of my other posts.

Remember that coffee may clear your thoughts, but fair trade coffee can clear your conscious!


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